
Best Mother's Day yet...

Sunday was quite a day for me. Usually, Mother's Day tends to be a painful reminder that Justin and I, after four years of trying, do not have children. This year, I was pleasantly surprised by a few "tender mercies." The first tender mercy was that I was able to talk to my brother that is on his mission. He and I are very close and it has been hard to only talk to him through e-mails. We called him while we were at church (because that was the only time he could talk) and joked around on the phone for a few minutes.

He told me some great stories, my favorite being how he was unable to get a hold of my parents through their land line and couldn't remember my mother's cell phone number. Apparently, he had given my parents the wrong number to call him on, so of course, my mother couldn't get through to the right house. Anyway, he called my Uncle Dave, because we used to go to their house every mother's day to visit them and my grandma. My uncle answered the phone.
UD: Hello?
Chris: Hi, Uncle Dave. This is Chris.
UD: Oh, hi... CHRIS! Are you home?
Chris: No, is mom at your house?
UD: No.
Chris: Do you know where she is?
UD: No.
Chris: What's her cell phone number?
I laughed for ages, in fact I still laugh at that story. And, yes, my brother did manage to get a hold of my parents.
The second tender mercy I received was from Kevin and Sara's kids. I guess, in their day of shopping the week previous, the kids (Sam and Derrick, probably) saw a really cute picture frame that was red. Samantha immediately said something to the effect of "Rachel loves red, Mom! Can we get her a present?" I was touched when Sara told me that her children think of me as their second mom. I know that when I have children, I hope they are like her kids! I sure love those kids as if I was their second mom. So, thank you, Samantha, Derrick, and KayDee (and you too, Kevin and Sara) for helping make Mother's Day special for me. (sniff!)

I got this cute picture with the frame to have something to put in it.

Side note: my husband didn't forget me on that day, don't you worry. He took me out to dinner on Saturday night. He knows the way to my heart is through my stomach...;) I guess I really have spent to much time around guys! XD


Thank You, Mom

Though many women have been influential in my life, none have held a candle to my mother. She was the one who held me up through the death of family and friends, through difficult heart breaks, and painful rejection. She was the one who laughed with me, encouraged me, who celebrated with me. Aside from my savior, there has never been anyone who has plead with the Father for me more than she. If she has bad knees, I am convinced I am the cause. And when the time came to pass the mantel of my care to my husband, I am sure her heart broke, but at the same time, rejoiced when she watched us kneel at the alter. And though I owe a debt that can never be repaid, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make certain that all her love, all her care, all her prayers, all her sacrifices were not in vain. She is my friend, my confidante. She is my angel. She is my mother.
It is the season to appreciate mothers. Make sure your's knows how much you love her.


Photoshop Contest Winner

Congratulation to Jamie for her winning entry!