
Attention my Campbell Family Members!!!!

I was on Ancestry.com adding some family to the Campbell Family Tree, when I ran across this link here. It is a printable/download-able coloring story book about the Campbell family LDS conversion and trek to Utah. So you know, when you print it off, our ancestors run as follows:
  • David William Campbell, son of
  • Joel Campbell, son of
  • Jonathan Campbell
I hope you enjoy this book! I thought it was super!


Chillin' Poolside...

Shae and Chris invited us to go with them swimming at Shae's grandma's house. It was great! We had so much fun in the water and in the sun... We didn't even get sunburnt (mainly due to my overzealous nature of putting on sunscreen) It was just us and Chris and Shae (and Max, their dog) which also was nice. We must have spent two and a half hours in the pool. Afterward, we went to dinner and then, when we got home, I fell asleep and slept for... are you ready for this?... 12 HOURS! Yeah, I know, I couldn't believe it either! Good thing we went on a Saturday...

P.S. All these photos were taken with my new phone and then email to myself! I love my new phone!

Girls' night

On the 1st of July, Sara, Hannah, Katie, Darby, Janet (my mother-in-law) and I all went to see the newest Twilight movie. We got there at six, expecting the line to be forever long... but to our surprise, we ended up being the second group in line. That, of course, afforded us some pretty good seats.
Here's a picture of Sara and me waiting in line. I should have had the foresight to take a picture of all of us, but do you think I did? Nope... epic fail... :D

SLC for the 4th

Matt and Camille blessed their newest addition on the 4th of July. Justin and I hitched a ride with his mom and joined his dad and Merril, Jamie, and Juliet (the other two came with us) in SLC. We went to a birthday party for Beau on Saturday night and to the patriotic Music & the Spoken Word on Sunday. It was fun!Jules and me in the back seat of Grandma's car waitin' for everyone to get back.

Music and the Spoken Word is held in the Conference Center during the summer to accommodate all the people that go.


Help a Sister Out...

Ok. So I've taken on a little of the advertising responsibility at work. Recently, we have launched what I like to call "The Facebook Fan Blitz." Essentially, what it is is a raffle for a gift certificate for dinner and a movie. All that is required to enter is for a person to become a fan on Facebook or follow us on Twitter or on our company blog. Anyone can enter, though the prize can only be redeemed in the St. George metropolitan area. If you suggest this contest to friends and they join up, they get an entry and you get an entry. I know, a pyramid scheme, but, hey, it's easy and it doesn't cost anything to join and their are no meetings...

If you'd like to help go here or here to enter. Thanks so much! You all rock!

P.S. Don't be alarmed if the Mountain West blog looks like mine right now... we have the same background currently...

Happy Independence Day!!!


I always get such a sense of pride in my country around this time of year. I really wish that it was a month long celebration instead of just one day.

This year, I have decided to read The 5,000 Year Leap in honor of Independence day (Sara, I promise we will give the book back at the end of this month! ;) So far, it is amazing and to the point. I recommend it to everyone. Everyone should have a copy and give another copy to their friends. Seriously, the principles in this book are that good.

The point that has struck me hardest is the reality that our Constitutional government cannot exist with out religion. Our Constitution gives us the right to do many things and our religion teaches us what we shouldn't do, even if we do have the right to do it.

Ok, enough preaching. I am very grateful to live in a country so blessed with so much. I really hope that things start turning around. I know I'm going to do more toward that goal... It's the least I can do to thank those men in 1776, both those that wrote the declaration and those that gave their lives to defend it.