
Happy Independence Day!!!


I always get such a sense of pride in my country around this time of year. I really wish that it was a month long celebration instead of just one day.

This year, I have decided to read The 5,000 Year Leap in honor of Independence day (Sara, I promise we will give the book back at the end of this month! ;) So far, it is amazing and to the point. I recommend it to everyone. Everyone should have a copy and give another copy to their friends. Seriously, the principles in this book are that good.

The point that has struck me hardest is the reality that our Constitutional government cannot exist with out religion. Our Constitution gives us the right to do many things and our religion teaches us what we shouldn't do, even if we do have the right to do it.

Ok, enough preaching. I am very grateful to live in a country so blessed with so much. I really hope that things start turning around. I know I'm going to do more toward that goal... It's the least I can do to thank those men in 1776, both those that wrote the declaration and those that gave their lives to defend it.

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