
Alex goes to the temple...

Alex, of course, got his mission call to the Lima, Peru West mission. So he needed to go to the temple to get out his endowment. We all went up early with Alex and did some initiatories while he and Dad met with the temple President. It was a wonderful spiritual experience (not to mention a tear jerker... Alex flat out balled) and I'm so glad that my brother is choosing the right! What a wonderful person!

Alex and Justin hangin' outside the temple after the session. Justin is looking through some of the family names that we did. There were some cool names and locations (like the Endowment House) that he found super interesting.
The family that came to support Alex. There were also many ward members that came (who are like family as well) but they hurried away when the camera came out. Luckily, I was able to guilt my blood relatives into getting into the line up.
And here's our little family. In hind sight, we probably should have had Chris and Shae swap places with me and Justin because this picture makes Chris look really short, comparatively.

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