
Going to get fire wood

Our little friend in the grass. I nearly stepped on him once...
Caroline looking for the others.

I know you can't tell, but right after lunch, it was raining super hard.

It was a good thing we borrowed Kevin's chain saw. Dad's chainsaw had a broken oil cap, so Mom and I went looking all over Glendale for the owner of the Stihl repair shop. Luckily, we found him. On our way out to Glendale, a few ranchers were moving some cattle and asked us to slow down and wait so that we didn't spook the cows (any more than our diesel trucks did on the way in), so it took us nearly 15 minutes to get out of the canyon and back onto the road. An hour and a half later (or so) we finally made it back to the canyon only to have to follow a house half way out. Yes, I said a house! It was nuts! Mom took a picture, but I haven't swiped it from her yet. Needless to say, but the time we got back to the site, everyone was about to form a search party for us. It was definitely an adventure!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Looks super nice. I swiped the picture of Juliet during the summer. Thanks!