
Summer... Part one...

Hallelujah summer is over! Seriously, we were so busy that people in our new ward kept asking if we were new members...
So here is our summer in pictures (and video)...
This is the barbershop chorus Chris is a part of. The song they are singing is The Naughty Lady of Shady Lane. You have to pay particular attention to the lyrics in order to get the joke...
This is one of the two quartets Chris is a part of. The chorus' director was kind enough to step in at bass. Tragically, their bass died a month or so earlier of heart failure.

This is Jens and his dad. Jens was our last Cub to get his Arrow of Light Award before we left Gunlock.

We went to Beau's birthday and Evan's baby blessing in SLC over the Fourth of July weekend.Grandma Campbell holding Evan.

Camille and her sister, Rochelle rolling down a hill.

Stay tuned for the rest of the summer!