
Paice Family Reunion (minus Justin) :(

It was a sad reunion... at least for me.

Justin wasn't able to go because he had a tow job he had to do in Oregon. We had a feeling that it would be fine for me to go, but not for him, so I packed up a few things and headed on up with Chris and Shae. We decided not to borrow Kevin and Sara's trailer this time, because I was a little nervous about taking it with out Justin. I know, dumb, right? But what can I say? I'm paranoid...

Of course, I had a hard time sleeping after the first night. It was COLDDDDD! Even colder that I didn't have anyone in my sleeping bag to help warm it up. I have a hard time camping as it is. I have this irrational fear that I (or someone in my tent) will be mauled by a bear or a mountain lion. Again, I know, dumb. But I really am that paranoid!

We did have fun, though. I did the auction since Justin wasn't there. Here's a couple of pictures from the trip.Alex and I in the back of the Rhino waiting to go on an adventure with Chris and Shae.
Chris and Shae in the front seats of the Rhino. I love Shae's hat and flower!
View just at the top of the driveway from the camp site.The odd tree.
At the top of the peak. It took a little hiking to get here (and it was tough because of the elevation) but it was totally worth it...
because of this... that is Ely. And further back, that light, sandy area is the mine out in Ruth. Crazy, eh? I was able to call Justin from up here and wish him happy Father's Day. Not that he needed it, but he was happy to hear my voice (and I was happy to hear his).This bee was FREAKIN' HUGE! Seriously, it was nearly the size of a quarter! I would have put my hand next to it for a comparison, but as I said, IT WAS FREAKIN' HUGE!
We thought this tree looked a little out of place...
Shae and Chris at the top of the trail.
The snow bank we had to hike over to get to the overlook. We came back later and drove up over the snow.The kids loved the Rhino rides. This is my cousin's daughter. Granted, he races dune buggies, so she's accustom to these rides. She was joined by another cousin's offspring. He did well, but he's not quite as accustom to bumpy rides...
This is the day we were leaving. There were a few others that had to leave that day as well, so we were all gathered around saying our goodbyes.
Mom and Dad observing the mayhem.
We had to throw a couple of 'hawks before we left. Alex and Chris really like throwing tomahawks. They learned at Boy Scout camp. Shae and I have been taught as well, so we can throw a pretty mean tomahawk as well.
Shae's tomahawk is flying through the air. If you look closely, you can see it about half way between her and the logs just above the white blob between the trees. It's a little blurry...

We still had a lot of fun... or at least I did. It is a fun to hang out with my cousins and such. Not a bad Father's Day weekend...

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