
The First Fifty Years Are the Hardest...

Instead of regular visiting teachers, my ward has visiting teaching groups. It's a little odd, but I really like my group. One of the ladies and I get along really well, even though she's old enough to be my mother. The other night, Justin and I went over to her house for dinner before his ward basketball game and she told us this little amusing story.
When she and her husband were married, an elderly lady who had just lost her husband came up to them in the sealing room to congratulate them like everyone else. This woman was hard of hearing and proceeded to yell (in the sealing room), "The first fifty years are the hardest!" Everyone laughed, of course, and now it's kind of the running joke between Justin and me.
So why such a random story? Well, Justin and I will have been married four whole years on Thursday, March 13th. I thought I would share a bit of those four years with you...


Jamie said...

Wahoo! My son made it in!! It makes me feel special somehow when pictures of us make it onto other people's blogs. I blew up the picture of the chaos on the stairs and Merril looks like such a bonehead kid. He seems so much older now, even though it's only been 4 years. I'm pushing 8 this year. Yikes!

Elisa said...

Justin and Rachel-
Congrats on 4 years! That was a really funny story, and I will have to remember that everytime I get frustrated in the next 43 years! Ha Ha. Elisa

Sara said...

That makes me laugh every time I hear it. So happy you are happy with your last 4 years. Good luck with the next 46!